Mastering the Art of Digital Painting: A Step-by-Step Guide to Creating an Oil Paint Effect in Photoshop

Oil painting is a popular and timeless art form that can transform any ordinary image into a work of art. However, not everyone has the skills, time, or resources to create a real oil painting. But don’t worry, with the help of Adobe Photoshop, you can easily create an oil paint effect on any photo or image.

Oil Paint Effect
Oil Paint Effect 

In this step-by-step guide, we will show you how to create an oil paint effect in Photoshop, without any prior experience in painting or editing. So let’s get started!

Steps For Creating Oil paint Effect 

Step 1: Choose your image 

The first step is to choose an image that you want to turn into an oil painting. It can be any photo, but it’s best to choose a high-resolution image with lots of details to bring out the effect.

Step 2: Duplicate the layer 

Once you have your image, duplicate the layer by right-clicking on the layer and selecting ‘Duplicate Layer.’ This will create a new layer on top of the original one.

Step 3: Convert to Smart Object 

Next, convert the new layer into a Smart Object by right-clicking on the layer and selecting ‘Convert to Smart Object.’ This will allow you to apply filters to the layer without damaging the original image.

Step 4: Apply the Oil Paint filter 

With the Smart Object selected, go to ‘Filter’ and select ‘Stylize,’ then choose ‘Oil Paint.’ This will bring up the Oil Paint dialog box, where you can adjust the settings to your liking.

Play around with the settings until you get the desired oil paint effect. You can adjust the brush scale, stylization, and cleanliness to make the image look like an oil painting.

Oil paint effect
Beautiful Oil Painting 

Step 5: Adjust the layer blend mode

After applying the Oil Paint filter, change the layer blend mode to ‘Overlay’ or ‘Soft Light.’ This will help blend the oil paint effect with the original image.

Step 6: Add a texture 

To give the image a more realistic look, you can add a texture to the oil paint effect. Go to ‘File’ and select ‘Place Embedded.’ This will allow you to add a texture image to the document.

Once you have added the texture, change the layer blend mode to ‘Overlay’ or ‘Soft Light’ to blend it with the oil paint effect.

Step 7: Fine-tune the effect 

To fine-tune the oil paint effect, you can use the ‘Smart Filter’ mask. This will allow you to adjust the effect selectively in certain areas of the image.

Simply click on the mask icon on the Smart Object layer and use the Brush tool to paint over the areas where you want to adjust the effect.

Step 8: Save your image 

Once you are satisfied with the oil paint effect, save your image by going to ‘File’ and selecting ‘Save As.’ Choose your preferred file format and save your image.

Congratulations! You have successfully created an oil paint effect in Photoshop. With a little bit of practice and experimentation, you can create stunning oil paintings from any photo or image.

Thing to be remember while creating oil paint effect in Photoshop 

If you're creating an oil paint effect in Photoshop, there are a few things to keep in mind to make the effect look realistic and convincing:

Use high-resolution images

The oil paint effect works best with high-resolution images because it enhances the texture and details of the image.

Adjust the brush size and shape

The brush size and shape will play a crucial role in creating the oil paint effect. Experiment with different brush sizes and shapes to get the desired effect.

Use the Mixer Brush Tool

The Mixer Brush Tool in Photoshop is perfect for creating an oil paint effect. It allows you to mix colors and create a realistic paint texture.

Pro oil paint effect
Pro Oil Paint Effect 

Use the Smudge Tool

The Smudge Tool can help you to blend colors and create a smooth texture in your oil paint effect.

Adjust the opacity and blending modes

The opacity and blending modes can help you to achieve a more realistic oil paint effect. Experiment with different opacity levels and blending modes until you get the desired effect.

Add texture

Adding texture to your oil paint effect can make it look more realistic. Try using a texture overlay or creating your own texture using filters in Photoshop.

Pay attention to lighting

Lighting plays a crucial role in creating a realistic oil paint effect. Make sure to adjust the lighting and shadows to match the style of the painting you're trying to emulate.

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