How to colorize the old black and white image in Photoshop

In the age of digital photography, it’s rare to find someone who hasn’t used Photoshop, the most popular image editing software available. One of the most interesting features of Photoshop is the ability to colorize old black and white image in Photoshop, bringing them to life in a way that was once thought impossible.

Colorizing the old black and white image in Photoshop
Colorizing the old black and white image in Photoshop 

How to colorize the old black and white image in Photoshop

In this article, we will discuss the step-by-step process of colorizing an old black and white image in Photoshop.

Step 1: Preparation

The first step is to choose a black and white image that you want to colorize. You should choose an image that has a high resolution, as this will help you to work with it more easily.

Once you have chosen the image, make a copy of it so that you can preserve the original. Then, open the image in Photoshop.

Step 2: Create a new layer

The next step is to create a new layer on which you will do your colorization work. To do this, go to the Layers panel on the right side of your screen and click on the “Create a new layer” button.

Step 3: Choose the brush

The next step is to choose the brush you will use to apply color to the image. To do this, go to the toolbar on the left side of your screen and select the Brush tool. Choose a brush size that is appropriate for the size of the area you want to color.

Step 4: Choose a color

The next step is to choose a color. To do this, go to the toolbar on the left side of your screen and click on the Color Picker button. Select any color from the palette that appears which you want to colorize the old black and white image in Photoshop

Colorizing the old black and white image in Photoshop
Colorize the old black and white image in Photoshop 

Step 5: Begin colorizing

Now that you have your brush and color selected, you can begin colorizing the image. Use the brush to paint the area of the image that you want to color.

Step 6: Adjust the opacity

As you paint, you may find that the color is too strong and overwhelms the black and white image. To fix this, you can adjust the opacity of the color layer. Go to the Layers panel, and find the opacity slider. Drag the slider to the left for reducing the opacity of the layer.

Step 7: Work with different colors

Repeat the above steps for different areas of the image, using different colors to create the desired effect. Use different colors to colorize the old black and white image in Photoshop

Step 8: Use the blending modes

Sometimes, the color may not blend well with the black and white image. In such cases, you can use the blending modes to create a more natural look. To do this, go to the Layers panel, and choose a blending mode from the drop-down menu.

Step 9: Save your work

Once you have finished coloring your image, it is time to save your work. Go to the File menu and select “Save As”. Choose a file format such as JPEG or PNG, and save the image to your desired location.

colorizing old black and white images in Photoshop can be a fun and rewarding process. With the right tools and techniques, you can transform a dull image into a vibrant work of art.

Colorize the old black and white image in Photoshop
Colorizing black and white image in Photoshop 

Tips to colorize the old black and white image in Photoshop 

Colorizing old black and white images can be a fun and rewarding process, allowing you to breathe new life into old memories. Here are some tips for colorizing old black and white images in Photoshop:

1. Start with a high-resolution image:

The first step to colorizing an old black and white image is to ensure that you have a high-quality digital scan or a high-resolution digital image. This will help ensure that you have enough detail and clarity to work with.

2. Choose your color palette: 

When colorizing the old black and white image in Photoshop, you’ll need to decide on a color palette. You can either choose colors based on historical accuracy or use your creativity to add a unique twist. It’s a good idea to do some research beforehand to get an idea of the colors used during the time period the image was taken.

3. Use layers: 

One of the most important tools for colorizing an old black and white image in Photoshop is layers. Use different layers to separate the image into different elements, such as skin, hair, clothing, and background. This will allow you to work on each element separately and adjust the colors and tones to create a more natural look.

4. Use color blending modes: 

To add color to your black and white image, use color blending modes such as “color” or “hue”. These blending modes allow you to add color while preserving the luminosity and tonality of the image.

5. Use a brush with a low opacity: 

When adding color to your image, use a brush with a low opacity to build up the color gradually. This will help you create a more natural and subtle effect.

6. Pay attention to lighting and shadows:

When colorizing the old black and white image in Photoshop, pay attention to the lighting and shadows in the original image. This will help you create a more realistic and natural-looking image.

7. Be patient:

Colorizing an old black and white image can be a time-consuming process. Be patient and take your time to ensure that you achieve the best results possible.


colorizing old black and white images can be a fun and rewarding process. By following these tips and using the right tools and techniques, you can create a beautiful and unique image that captures the spirit of the original photograph. 

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